When Good Ghouls Go Bad (Commentary Track)
If you ever have another Halloween, I will return and destroy you all.
The Strifflerson sisters are back, just in time for All Hallows' Eve!
While most of you have probably never even heard of it, When Good Ghouls Go Bad has been my favorite Halloween movie ever since it premiered on the Fox Family Channel nineteen years ago. I literally watch it every single October 31st no matter where I am or what I'm doing. And now, after mentioning it at least once a year for the past ten years, I could not be more excited to share this movie with those of you who have yet to see it.
An RL Stine joint, Good Ghouls (as us hardcore fans like to call it) tells the tale of a town too afraid to celebrate Halloween lest Curtis Danko rise from his grave to seek revenge. Oooh baby what a spooky situation!
These are audio files that are meant to be listened to along with the show.