365 Days Trilogy (Commentary Tracks)
Hunny, it's time to put the kids to bed. 😏
Oh... you ARE a kid?
Considered by many to be the polish Fifty Shades of Grey, 365 Days shot straight to the #1 spot on Netflix's Top 10 and is essentially porn. Actually it's not just any porn, it's specifically kidnapping porn. Literally, it is about a man keeping a woman captive and forcing her to fall in love with him. I can't be the only person getting mixed messages from society here, right?
For this porn viewing I am joined by my buddy Alan, who I have not previously watched porn with but I had fun so maybe we will again soon!
Then... guess what? They made a sequel! TWO in fact. Both releasing in 2022. And this is the first of them.
365 Days: This Day is without question worse than the first movie, and the first was awful.
And finally, somehow the most exciting AND most boring in the franchise, The Next 365 Days concludes (?) the story of Massimo and Laura with a bang - literally of course.
We're watching for the plot, we swear!